At the beginning of Acts of the Apostles, which tradition links (as Acts does itself) to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is still part of the narrative. Acts says he was with the apostles for 40 days. Perhaps inevitably, John the Baptist is referenced. The ascension occurs, as it did in Luke as well.
The apostles are listed (Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the Lesser, Simon, and Judas), and Mary, Jesus's mother, as well as 120 additional (or perhaps including) followers, among those left behind. They are described in their new charge as witnesses to the resurrection. Since the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, the apostles elect a new twelfth member, Matthias, who otherwise is never mentioned again. The descent of the Holy Spirit (I didn't mention this third member of the Holy Trinity previously, who otherwise is referenced in the gospels, rest assured) occurs, giving the apostles the ability to speak foreign languages without actually having learned them.
Moses, Joel, and David are invoked in the early preaching, where people are called to repent. Peter and John are most routinely singled out in the early part of Acts. They cure a cripple. The religious authorities arrest them, are baffled by the fact that they're representing a man who was executed, and try to stop all this continuing talk of Jesus.
The faithful kind of turn into a hippy commune, sharing the wealth as it were in order to get by. There's a curious episode where a couple who sells their possessions and is supposed to, like everyone else, give the proceeds to the group instead holds a portion of it back. When this is discovered, they separately drop dead.
Peter and John are arrested again, and this occasions the first time in Acts where someone is freed by an angel. They immediately return to preaching. They're brought right back. At this point, Acts references incidents that are supposed to be similar, including men named Theudas and Judas the Galilean, whose similar attempts at mass revolutions failed. Peter and John are released on the chance that their human plans will similarly fail, although if they succeed it possibly really is the will of God. (Although this is the only time any of them get off that easy.)
Stephen is selected among a small group of evangelists for a special mission. When he reaches his fateful event, he retells biblical history from Abraham to Solomon. Most interestingly, he interprets Moses as a blatantly Christian figure, very much in the mold of Jesus, a prophet rejected in his own time. Nothing he says stretches the truth, actually. Really a brilliant little sermon. In this corollary, John the Baptist becomes the Aaron figure. When he reaches Solomon, Stephen rightly points out that although at this point the temple entered Jewish tradition, God never really wanted a single dwelling place to begin with. The religious authorities are angry that he pointed out how they always rejected the prophets who spoke of the messiah in the past, even though they came to believe in them, but still ended up rejecting the messiah anyway. He then becomes the first martyr. Paul, initially referred to as Saul, is witness to and complicit in the deed.
A Philip who could be the apostle or the one from the group Stephen was a part of preaches among the Samaritans. This ambiguity is heightened when a Philip is referenced later and specifically linked to the Stephen group. Either way, the Philip at this point challenges a local charlatan, and is later backed up by the team of Peter and John, who end up staying for a while to preach. Philip then converts an Ethiopian by helping him understand and interpret Isaiah.
Paul is converted through his famous mystical experience on the road to Damascus. Here he is blinded in a bright light and speaks with Jesus himself. He later recounts the incident twice. He almost immediately becomes a target of the Jews.
Peter cures a paralyzed man. He resurrects a disciple named Tabitha. A centurion named Cornelius receives a visit from an angel. Peter receives a vision that leads him to Cornelius. It's said to be the incident that convinces Peter to accept ministry to the Gentiles.
Barnabas starts working with Paul. They preach for a whole year in Antioch. The disciples become officially known as Christians.
Herod begins a persecution, executing John's brother James. He also arrests Peter, who escapes thanks to an angel.
Another piece of supposition here in a new disciple referred to as Mark possibly being the author of the Gospel of Mark. He plays no huge role, however, and actually later becomes a sticking point between Barnabas and Paul. For the moment, however, all three travel together, and it's this point where Paul is officially referred to only as such. John travels with them for a time. Paul explains biblical history from Moses to David in an effort to introduce Jesus. He also references John the Baptist. There's no reason to reference John the Baptist in Acts unless his reputation really still was inordinate. Perhaps for that reason, Acts also has him explain that he is not himself the messiah. Paul then explains how and why Jesus died and how he came back. Perhaps because they're not always hugely successful, Paul and Barnabas move around a lot from place to place.
Paul cures a cripple. This sparks another curious development. Based on this miracle, the locals get a little carried away. They declare Barnabas to be Zeus and Paul to be Hermes and attempt to worship them. Neither is amused, of course, by this development. (Although it certainly sheds light on how people viewed Zeus and Hermes at the time. From a modern perspective, it would certainly seem that if either of these two were to perform an act of divine intervention, it would be Zeus. Acts explains it to be Hermes because Paul is the spokesperson, which would mean that Zeus at this point is expected to be the figure in the background, all-powerful but uninvolved, whereas trusty messenger Hermes is free to do as he likes, which certainly squares with classical mythology, but still. At least he isn't making any demigod babies.)
Paul ends up getting stoned (in the traditional sense) and presumed dead, but afterward seems fine. Paul and Barnabas start dealing with contradictory messages from other evangelists. At an assembly to help streamline matters, Peter agrees with what they're saying, while James has caveats. It's not clear if this James is James the Lesser, one of the apostles. Reza Aslan in Zealot posits that it's Jesus's brother. Which admittedly would not be a hugely favorable interpretation to mainstream Christianity, certainly among Catholics, given that Mary was said to be a virgin and thus Jesus an only child. To Aslan's interpretation, this brother of Jesus would have become a member of the early Church after the crucifixion, become at that point highly motivated to carry on his brother's legacy.
A letter from Paul and Barnabas is quoted. Since we know Paul sent plenty of letters, because the remaining New Testament is made up almost exclusively of them, which are in fact the earliest extant material from it, this is definitely appropriate material for Acts.
It's at this point that Paul and Barnabas have a difference of opinion concerning Mark. Barnabas sides with Mark. So they pair off. Paul carries on with Silas, and subsequently meets Timothy, to whom two of the later letters in the New Testament are written.
Interestingly, Philippi (as in the later Letter to the Philippians) is located in Macedonia. This is notable to me in relation to Alexander the Great, whom you'll remember was referenced in First Book of Maccabees. Here Paul performs an exorcism. But it's another acts that spectacularly backfires on him. He and Silas are beaten as a result. They're imprisoned but miraculously freed. Because they're both Roman citizens, Paul and Silas actually receive an apology. Then they visit the Thessalonians (also recipients of a later New Testament letter). When they visit Athens, they're interviewed by philosophers from the Epicurean and Stoic traditions. Epicureans in particular would have had a problem with Christian theology centered on the miraculous event of the resurrection. Stoics would have had an easier time of it. Acts in fact says some of them are convinced, and that would probably have been the Stoics. Paul cleverly uses a local altar dedicated to "an unknown god" in his ministry here. He then visits the Corinthians (later recipients of a New Testament letter as well).
Roman emperor Claudius is referenced a few times in Acts. At this point it's because he's expelled the Jews from Rome.
Silas and Timothy meet back up with Paul. They'd stayed behind in Macedonia. Paul officially rejects the Jews in favor of the Gentiles. He stays in Corinth for a little over a year. He visits the Ephesians next (subjects of another New Testament letter), then Galatians (also subjects of a New Testament letter). A man in Ephesus speaks about Jesus, but apparently knows more about John the Baptist (which seems about right). This occasions for Paul to go back and correct him. He teaches in the hall of Tyrannus for two years. (In Star Wars lore, Count Dooku was secretly Darth Tyranus, if that interests you.)
A demon rejects some Jewish exorcists who attempt to mockingly invoke Jesus.
The Greek goddess Artemis is referenced, and her worshippers work themselves into a tizzy.
By this point, Luke has entered the scene, although he never references himself directly but rather in "we" statements.
Even though he knows it's dangerous, Paul becomes intent on going to Jerusalem. Once there, he meets with James (presumably the same ambiguous one as before) and the elders. He's seized by angry Jews who try and kill him. He entreats a nameless Egyptian who had led a revolt of thousands to help him. (As the final reference to Egypt in the Bible, it is appropriately epic.) He explains his origins to the angry crowd, which doesn't help him at all. It's only the fact of his Roman citizenship that saves Paul from a scourging. He speaks before the religious authorities (the usual Sadducees and Pharisees of the gospels, the latter of whom he was previously a member; these two groups are Jews who believe different things, much like, say, Christians and Protestants, or Sunnis and Shiites), who end up divided over him. A plot arises to assassinate him, which only the fact of his Roman citizenship once again saves him from.
Paul, by the way, calls Christianity the Way.
His standing trial reads very comparably to Jesus's similar experience, except of course for the ending.
The governor Felix is sympathetic to a point, which leads to Paul remaining in prison rather than some other fate. Felix is succeeded by Festus, at which point Paul is brought before Agrippa, to whom he again explains his faith journey. Festus calls Paul crazy, and Agrippa jokes that Paul is trying to convert him to Christianity. He'd set Paul free if he could, but Paul has requested an audience with the Roman emperor. So Paul is set on a circuitous journey to Rome, at which point Acts begins to read like an adventure story straight out of Melville. The book ends with Paul having stayed in Rome two years preaching.
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